Fused Glass from Ireland's Ancient East

· The Art of Glass ·

Colour, Light and Chemistry

My work is formed by fusing clear and coloured glass, creating and building elements that I combine to become the finished pieces you see here. It can be a slow and delicate process, but one that allows me to explore the wonderfully expressive nature of this beautiful material. Few things beat the anticipation of opening the kiln to discover what has formed within.

The very science of glass is fascinating – instead of colours, think metals and minerals (selenium, sulpher, copper, lead, silver, gold…), which is how colours in glass are made. Some elements react with others and this can be used when designing in glass. That is why my logo contains a nod to the atom symbol. 

I grew up on the banks of the river Boyne, beside the Hill of Tara – the seat of High Kings in Ireland. It was a childhood enriched by the beauty of my surroundings. There can be no surprise then, that I find visual inspiration in nature, in a splash of dappled light, a richly coloured leaf, a perfectly formed shell… Sometimes, my role is simply to capture that sense of beauty and ‘pause’ it in time. My work often takes me deeper though, as I use it to explore some of life’s interesting questions.

It all started when...

I studied glass design in The National College of Art & Design, Dublin, graduating with an honours degree in 1996. After that I packed my bags for London and worked first in The Handmade Glass Co., then Newell Glass, before jetting off to Tokyo to continue my studies through a fully funded 18 month scholarship. 
Back then, I focused on blown, cut, kiln-cast and cold-worked glass. I also used colour sparingly, not like today!
But then, what is life if not a journey, and an ever growing collection of insights, realisations and knowledge?

A piece to call your own

Take a moment to browse my online shop, where you will find all manner of delightful glass pieces, from delicate window charms to coasters, jewellery, pictures, bowls and more.
Each piece is handmade by me and therefore no two pieces are identical. The perfect unique gift for yourself or someone you love!